Acts of Kindness from 2020
Last year our friends and family helped us raise over $10,000 to be donated to Pockets of Light on Hailey's first birthday
Food deliveries to hospitals in New Jersey, New York, and California
Custom hope bracelets for parents with children in the pediatric special care unit
Care packages with homemade ornaments, gift cards, and holiday treats
Donation to Hope After Loss in Connecticut
Children's book donations through Amazon Wishlist
Baby items and a monetary donation to Birthright of Greater Danbury
Donations to mothers that were struggling financially
Notes of kindness spread throughout town
Holiday treats for co-workers and administrative staff
Treats for first responders
Clearing snow off neighbors’ cars
Cookies and chocolates to neighbors
Toy and clothing donations for kids in need
Make-a-wish, March of Dimes, and Project Sweet Pea donations.
Gift cards and coffee to neighbors in town
Supplies for a special needs preschool class
Donations to various food banks