December 18th will mark the fifth birthday and anniversary of losing our daughter Hailey. Again, we ask our family and friends to spread kindness in her honor to help us keep her memory alive. If you would like to participate, feel free to complete a random act of kindness on Wednesday, December 18th. Please send us pictures or share on social media using the hashtag #haileysdayofkindness so we can follow along. Each year we are completely blown away by your creativity and generosity. We appreciate everything you do to honor Hailey!

Print out a tag to attach to your act of kindness here.


Although we have not set up an official fundraiser, you are always welcome to donate to Pockets of Light in Hailey’s honor. Pockets of Light is a local non-profit that provides free support to families who experience loss during pregnancy or shortly after. They helped us to navigate some of the most challenging days after losing our daughter.

Thank you for all of your support!


Jill, Ryan, Olivia, and Emily